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Announcement of Tribute Awards Gala Dynastie 2023

The Fondation Dynastie is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2023 Tribute Awards.
3/7/2024 10:23 AM

‍‍Montreal, February 15, 2023 - The Fondation Dynastie is pleased to announce the recipientsof the 2023 Tribute Awards. The Grand Prix Dynastie and the Prix Icône Dynastie will bepresented during the Media Night on March 30th at the Salon Urbain. The Doudou Boicel Awardwill be presented during the Culture Night on April 1st at the Théâtre Maisonneuve.

The 2023 Grand Prix Dynastie will be presented to Raymond Laurent. This award recognizesand honors the exceptional career and commitment of a member of Quebec's Black communityin the fields of arts, culture, and media. It is a way for the Fondation Dynastie to recognize andcelebrate the achievements and impact of individuals who have made a significant contributionto their fields of activity and to the community as a whole.

The recipient of the 2023 Prix Icône Dynastie is Rebecca Makonnen. This award honors boldand inspiring personalities from Black communities. It is an opportunity to celebrate exceptionaljourneys. Through the Prix Icône Dynastie the Foundation highlights role models that not onlyelicit admiration but also inspire future generations.

The 2023 Doudou Boicel Award will be presented to Ethel Bruneau. This award celebrates theexceptional cultural commitment of an individual. This distinction honors individuals who havecontributed to the growth and promotion of culture, while also transmitting a legacy to the nextgeneration.


Raymond Laurent

Raymond Laurent is a dedicated journalist who advocates for the rights of the most vulnerablein society. He is the host of the show Samedi Inter on CKUT for over 35 years and is considereda popularizer and connector of the community. His fight for human rights and social justice is atthe heart of his commitment, and he continues to use his voice to give a voice to the voiceless.

Rebecca Makonnen

Rebecca Makonnen is a music enthusiast and worked for MusiquePlus for seven years beforejoining ICI Première as a cultural columnist. Since then, she has hosted various programs onRadio-Canada channels, including De l'huile sur le feu since fall 2022. She is driven by a desireto provide nuance and energy to provoke reflection among listeners.

Ethel Bruneau

Ethel Bruneau is a tap dancer born in Harlem in 1936. She hosted many shows and cabarets inMontreal for decades and opened her own dance school in the 1960s. In 1980, she moved intothe premises of the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) in Little Burgundy, whereshe continued to teach dance to her students for a quarter of a century. Even today, she sharesher advice and experience with her hundred faithful students.

About the Gala Dynastie

Since 2017, the Gala Dynastie, a unique event in Quebec, aims to reward personalities fromBlack communities who excel in the fields of arts, culture, and media and whose achievementsand accomplishments deserve recognition.

To learn more about this 7th edition, visit: www.galadynastie.com